Alliance Partners

Monday, September 13, 2021

Tim Draper Gems

One of the most successful VCs , Tim Draper is happy to share his email with you 

“I’m at,” he says  . 

Tim gives his email freely - and likes to be  accessible to those who want to connect with him.

Some of his home runs

Since the mid-1980s, he has built a fortune making early investments in companies like Hotmail, Skype, BaiduTesla and SpaceX.

His biggest failure 

His biggest failure he says - was those investments he doesn’t make…. The one that got away - like Facebook!

“If 30 pc of his investments work - we are so ahead of the game! “

Draper the Bitcoin Bull

He is a bitcoin bull and believer in blockchain technology. 

In 2014, he purchased early 30,000 bitcoin seized by the U.S. Marshals (bitcoin was worth around $600 at the time) and he says he has invested in over 50 cryptocurrency-related companies. He’s led investments in Coinbase, a cryptocurrency exchange that went public in April, Ledger, a cryptocurrency wallet maker; and Tezos, an open-source blockchain platform, to name a few.

Draper’s grandfather, and father were VCs and Tim  started his own early-stage VC firm Draper Associates in 1985, which would grow into Draper Fisher Jurvetson (it was later renamed DFJ and then Threshold), and later Draper University. In 2013, Draper left DFJ to focus on Draper University and his sole VC Draper Associates.

💎 Some of Tim’s  gems 💎 

💎 Always give that extra 10pc - Tharshan where the magic happens

💎 Arrive before a  forum and stay after the end / that’s  when you meet the relevant people and get the real gems

💎 I like people. I like the idea that we’re all interconnected. I like the idea that people can help each other. I also like being out there.

💎 I strive to be a lifelong learner 

💎 I do enjoy what I do and I think that maybe that’s what people are feeling when they see me.

💎 As an entrepreneur, you can’t really worry about what people are thinking today because what you’re really trying to do is something that’s kind of gonna blossom five or 10 years from now.

When investing….. The one question I almost always ask is 

“Why are you doing this?”

Some of the answers 

  • “Oh, because of this and this,” 
  • “I heard somebody who thought it was a good idea,” o
  •  “I wanted to make money.” 
The clever ones say, 
  • “I want to make you money.”
But the best is 
  • “because my boss did it all wrong and the customer wanted this. This is where we got to go.”

They need to have this certainty or confidence that what they’re going after is important.

On failure 

An entrepreneur belongs to “club fear” and one of the credos of Draper University is, 

“I will fail and fail again until I succeed.”

You have to be willing to take the heat or just say, “Hey, we screwed up. We’re gonna try to do it this way next time.” That will save you countless troubles, trials and tribulations. And then explain your thinking about how you got to where you made that decision.

You don’t fail - you learn 

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