Alliance Partners

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Some Classics from Some Rich Listers Snippets from a great article in the afr by Michael Bailey, Lauren Sams and Yolanda Redrup

“Never forget that happiness, health and family are far more important than any amount of money,” 

My everyday car on the Central Coast these days is a 20-year-old LandCruiser, which I’ll drive until the day I die.

Tony Denny

It’s given me the privilege of being able to learn from other successful people through association. 

Jack Cowen

Money changes other people’s attitude towards you - money makes you funny! 

Erin Deering 

I like my real friends and I’ve got mates I’ve had for 50 years and they’re not going to want to hang with me if I’m a wanker. 

Max Beck 

Beyond $150,000 – there was basically no correlation between happiness and financial success.

Being born in Australia with parents who gave me an education and money for a house deposit was the greatest luck

Mark Carnegie 


I rip through it like a man with no arms anyway – I’m not leaving much! What Warren Buffett says is right – money is the scorecard. I laugh when people say money’s not important. It’s the one thing that lets you do what you like, when you like.

Ian Malouf

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