Monday, September 09, 2024

Chinese VCs are running around like headless chooks

Venture Capital gave  rise to China’s tech industry, backing Alibaba, Baidu (internet search), Xiaomi (smartphones) and Didi (ride hailing). When these companies did public stock offerings, the venture capital investors reaped bountiful returns.


The heightened tensions between China and the United States , and China’s leader, Xi Jinping aiming for national self-reliance - is making it tough for Chinese   VCs,  who have spent two decades cultivating start-ups and shaping tech development having nowhere to apply their expertise.

There may opportunities in Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa. But the only market that can compare to China in size and potential is the United States. 

VCs in China are runnning around like headless chooks 

The China government are  jailing VCs  or imposing  huge fines on private enterprises . it’s not easy to leave China completely and start over in a foreign country with a foreign language and a foreign culture and they are reluctant to leave China .

New York times 

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