Pitch your Business in 30 Seconds!
Why should people come and see you at CeBIT this year?
BSI Innovation blogs about Innovation, Money, Venture Capital, Grants, Exports and Research and Development (R&D)
Alliance Partners
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 30, 2013
USA vs Australia Comparatives
From my friend Richard Llewellyn AFS Licence: 230680
Ph: +61-411 888 842 Fx: +61-3-8080 5920
Find attached a chart I compiled recently that shows some interesting comparisons:
Ø Australian housing costs are roughly double the USA for both purchase and rental
Ø Labour costs are comparable
Ø Our GDP per capita is substantially lower than the USA, perhaps because of their higher value added exports of advanced manufactures (Aerospace, computers etc)
Ø Their health costs are nearly double ours
Ø We spend more as a % of GDP on foreign aid
Ø They spend more on education
Ø Their current account as % of GDP is only 12% higher than ours
Ø The NYSE DJI Index is around its all time high while the ASX All Ords is still 28% lower than the previous high way back in 2007
Housing costs are one of the key differentials in the two economies, rather than the commonly held view relating to lower labour costs in the USA. Is Australia's long love affair with owning the family home (and expecting escalation in value) a key competitive disadvantage for our economy?
I hope you find this useful, and if you have any corrections/suggestions/comments please let me know.
Ph: +61-411 888 842 Fx: +61-3-8080 5920
Find attached a chart I compiled recently that shows some interesting comparisons:
Ø Australian housing costs are roughly double the USA for both purchase and rental
Ø Labour costs are comparable
Ø Our GDP per capita is substantially lower than the USA, perhaps because of their higher value added exports of advanced manufactures (Aerospace, computers etc)
Ø Their health costs are nearly double ours
Ø We spend more as a % of GDP on foreign aid
Ø They spend more on education
Ø Their current account as % of GDP is only 12% higher than ours
Ø The NYSE DJI Index is around its all time high while the ASX All Ords is still 28% lower than the previous high way back in 2007
Housing costs are one of the key differentials in the two economies, rather than the commonly held view relating to lower labour costs in the USA. Is Australia's long love affair with owning the family home (and expecting escalation in value) a key competitive disadvantage for our economy?
I hope you find this useful, and if you have any corrections/suggestions/comments please let me know.
The latest issue of Spark is out now!
level 7 14 Martin Place, Sydney NSW
www.sparkmag.co | neil.donnelly@sparkpartner.com 02 92902666 |
Monday, May 27, 2013
Adlogic Expands SOftware Platform
Adlogic solves a pain of a recruitment or an HR Management, with a unique way to place an ad for a candidate once into multiple job boards. This has morphed into an end to end recruitment platform called MyRecruitment+.
CEO Anwar Khalil said the company's flagship multi-posting platform, Adlogic, now formed one part of a four-pronged offering, which also included application processing, client and contact management, and a candidate database.
Khalil told Shortlist the move was part of the company's growth strategy, and was driven by client demand.
"We are still 100% committed to integrating... Adlogic with other recruitment software providers - nothing at all has changed on this front, nor do we have any plans to change our position on supporting and complementing other recruitment management systems out there - it's up to the client."
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Be a StartUp game changer – Doron Ben-Meir
Q & A with Doron Ben-Meir, Commercialisation Australia
Q: What are your role and responsibilities?
I’m CEO of Commercialisation Australia, an initiative of the Federal government that offers funding and resources to accelerate the business-building process for Australian companies, entrepreneurs, researchers and inventors.
Q: How did you get your start?
I co-founded six technology-based companies and professionally invested in early stage companies for over a decade.
Q: What information will you be sharing at CeBIT Australia 2013?
I will explain what Commercialisation Australia is doing to stimulate and facilitate Australia’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and how everyone at the CeBit StartUp conference can get involved.
Q: What are the three key challenges for entrepreneurs?
- Conceiving a vision
- Selling the vision
- Executing the vision
Q: What do investors look for in StartUp ideas?
Game changers
Q: How does Australia compare globally in the StartUp ideas space?
Australians are as good as anyone on earth with regard to ideas generation. Our challenge is to get better at converting those ideas into scalable businesses.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Victorian Grant available to assist Innovative Businesses Grow
Find out How to grow your business & how to access Government Grants to do so
Right now, through the Federal and Victorian State Governments there is quite literally millions of dollars available to growing businesses, potentially, like yours.
Melbourne Parkview Hotel
562 St Kilda Rd Melbourne, VIC 3004
Right now, through the Federal and Victorian State Governments there is quite literally millions of dollars available to growing businesses, potentially, like yours.
- How much funding did your business miss out on last year?
- What's your business growth strategy? And, how will you fund that growth?
Discover new ways to grow as well as how to fund that growth through a variety of channels, including utilising grants that exist today to help you do exactly that.
Join me to find out how to maximise these grants - Register here 20 Places left
Where and When:-Melbourne Parkview Hotel
562 St Kilda Rd Melbourne, VIC 3004
Tuesday, 4 June 2013 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (PDT)
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Join us at CEBIT 2013 for the launch of Referron!!
We are delighted to be a part of CeBIT Australia 2013, launching our new Social Referral Network "REFERRON" . I would be delighted for you to be part of my referral network on referron, which will make it easy for me to refer business your way!
Prakash Software have assisted us in building and developing our Social Referral Network, and they have been amazing! They will be visiting us in Australia, and will be sharing our stand at CeBIT.
We have a number of COMPLIMENTARY EXHIBITION TICKETS (valued at $40) and I would be delighted to offer this to you!
>> GET YOUR COMPLIMENTARY EXHIBITION TICKET NOW, BY CLICKING HERE and Enter the following Promo Code "cebit73a" (before the 25th May 2013)
Please be sure to visit us at Stand F52 and say hi.
Monday, May 20, 2013
5 things to do to get ready for tax time 6 weeks to go!
writing off bad debts
maximising stock
valuation outcomes
declaration of bonuses
and director fees
income deferrals
trustee resolutions to
appoint income
depreciation charges
2. Look for the
bigger tax planning opportunities
Beyond thes little things , there may be larger tax planning opportunities that
should be considered.
This could include
being eligible to claim R&D tax rebates, taking advantage of the loss
carry-back rules to get a refund of company tax paid in the last year, and
export market development grant eligibility.
All of these
opportunities are time sensitive and time limited. The things you do between
now and June 30 could make a significant difference in the benefit obtained.
3. Keep in mind any
cashflow implications
This is an essential
consideration. Some of the options will require you to spend money, bring
forward expenditure or defer income.These will all have
cashflow impacts and you need to ensure that creating the best tax outcome does
not cause a short-term cashflow problem.
Calculate the funding
impact of your choices, and if you need funding support from your bank then
talk to them early. You need to map out how much you need, how long you’ll need
it for and what is being covered.
4. Are there any
5. Get proper
You should take advice
on your tax planning. Spend some time with your accountant and map out a plan
that works for you.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
What is Innovation
I was researching innovation..... and this is a standard definition
"The design, invention, development, and/or implementation of new or altered products, services, process, systems, organisational structures, or business models for the purpose of creating new value for customers and financial returns for the firm" - US Dept of Commerce.
What does it mean.... my interpretation
"The creation of new shit to add value to customers for financial returns"
why do people make things so difficult!!
"The design, invention, development, and/or implementation of new or altered products, services, process, systems, organisational structures, or business models for the purpose of creating new value for customers and financial returns for the firm" - US Dept of Commerce.
What does it mean.... my interpretation
"The creation of new shit to add value to customers for financial returns"
why do people make things so difficult!!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
2013/14 Australian Federal Budget - how it affects me!
Last night the Budget delivered no real surprises after the majority of the proposed changes had been drip fed to the market in previous months.
Wayne Swan blamed a stubbornly high Australian dollar and lower commodity prices for a dramatic fall of some $17 billion in forecasted tax receipts, leading to an estimated budget deficit for 2012/13 of $18 billion... and that was why there wasn’t the $1.5b surplus promised....
He knew there was a high dollar and lower commodity prices a year ago.... why did he not make appropriate changes then? Or tell us then that there would not be a surplus then ? what a joke!!! I hate surprises!!
If I gave this excuse to my board... I would be fired on the spot!
What was the price of iron-ore when he took over the reins from Costello and what are they now? Costello had a surplus when Swan took over!
Key takeouts relevant to me
From a financial planning perspective
Great Article from our team at Ark total Wealth please feel free to contact them by clicking on their link
From a Financial Planning perspective, there have been a few changes in relation to superannaution and taxation which may have an impact on your personal situation. We have provided a brief summary on some fo the key changes.
- Superannuation
Cap on Tax Free Earnings - At the moment, any income in the pension phase is tax free. From the 1st of July 2014, the tax free portion will be capped at $100,000 per individual. Any earnings above this will incur a 15% tax. There is no change to the taxation of lump sum withdrawals, these will still be tax free.
There is however an exemption around the capital gains tax as this could cause many funds to exceed the $100,000 cap. For assets purchased prior to the 5th of April 2013, until the 1st of July 2024 the old tax system will apply (no tax in pension phase). This gives you ten years to structure your assets within the superannuation environment.
Refund of Excess Contributions - Current excess contributions are taxed at 46.5%. Excess contributions will now be taxed at your marginal tax rate as opposed to the 46.5%. In addition, excess contributions can be withdrawn from the fund.
Higher Concessional Caps - If you are aged over 60, from the 1st of July 2013 your concessional cap will increase from $25,000 to $35,000. From the 1st of July 2014, this will apply to anyone aged 50 and over. These amounts will be indexed.
Additional 15% tax for high income earners on concessional contributions - For those that earn more than $300,000, an additional 15% tax will be applied to concessional contributions. These contributions include superannuation guarantee and salary sacrifice Contributions. If you earn more than $300,000, you need to review your super contributions.
- Taxation/Cash Flow/Social Security
Cap on Self Education Expenses - There will be a cap of $2,000 on self education expenses that can be claimed in a Financial Year.
Replacement of Baby Bonus - This change has attracted the most attention. Essentially the baby bonus will be replaced by the Family Tax Benefit A.
Increase of 0.5% in Medicare Levy - Another of the well documented changes. The increase in the Medicare levy will be used to help fund DisabilityCare Australia.(.05% on 100k taxable income is $500 - well worth it to support disabled kids and education!!)
Ending of discount of early repayment of HECS/HELP debt - From the 1st of January, there will be no discount for up-front and voluntary payments of HECS and HELP debt
Given the uncertainty around which changes will be implemented, it is very much a wait and see approach for everyone. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact on of our Advisors.
From an Innovation Perspective
Research and development
More timely R&D credits for smaller business
Quarterly payments of the 45% refundable tax offset from 1 January 2014for companies having a turnover of less than $20 million. This measure is designed to provide a cash flow benefit to SME’s as they will not need to wait until lodgement of their income tax return for their refundable R&D tax offset. There are a number of tests in the draft legislation that potentially make it difficult for those companies, at which the assistance is targeted, to actually qualify for the payments. BSI have made submissions to treasury in this regard.
Denying Companies with turnover of $20b or more to access R&D Incentives encouraging R&D for conglomerates to go offshore!
This measure was announced in February and and is expected to affect 20 corporate groups including large banks, miners, refiners, retailers and telcos. Whilst the budgeted savings may be significant ($1.1 billion over the forward estimates), the potential cost to the economy from these corporates potentially shifting R&D activities and other operations offshore could be massive!
Speak to one of our R&D Gurus to see how they can help you maximise your incentives
Monday, May 13, 2013
Will your super be enough to retire on?
How much super do you need to retire?
Some say 20 times your current annual spend .
So if you live on 10k per month, you need $2 million to retire!
A scary statistic from the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia:-

Based on current balances and current savings, "the average retirement superannuation payout at age 60 for a male currently aged 35 to 44 would be $183,000, while for a female it would only be $93,000."
this means that millions of Australians will not have enough money to live comfortably in their retirement.
So, if you want to retire with adequate resources, marry rich, inherit, make serious money from a successful venture
Start planning your financial future, and develop a strategy for regular saving and strategic investment .
Below are 4 simple rules to achieve financial freedom ( from the "richest man in Babylon" )(great book, by the way)
1. Spend less than you earn
2. Invest the difference wisely
3. Reinvest your investment income so you get compounding returns.
By the time you reach financial freedom, almost all your assets will have come from compounding capital growth, not from your income, your savings or your rent.
4. Keep doing steps 1 and 2 until your asset base reaches a critical mass so that you have the cash machine that gives you the income you desire.
Property -
Why has property been a great wealth creator in an investment portfolio - simply LEVERAGE !
You can now use your super as a deposit to acquire investment properties, using a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF).
To find out how - download the attached ebook on property and self managed super .
Control – You have control over your SMSF rather than entrusting your future financial wellbeing to a complete stranger, who will take your hard-earned cash and invest it in shares and managed funds that may or may not perform.
Leverage – You can make the money in your SMSF work harder by using it as a deposit and borrowing to buy investment properties that grow in value.
Tax savings – when you retire, Capital gains is exempt from capital gains tax if you sell the investment, or income tax on any rental income should you decide to hang onto it. Before you retire, any capital gains or rental income generated by your SMSF is taxed at a rate of 15% and 10% Capital Gains Tax if you sold the property after holding on to it for over a year.
The cost! This usually involves thousands of dollars in establishment costs and sometimes there will be higher fees involved in borrowing to buy property through your SMSF. (However, when you compare it to the charges of your normal SMSF, it will probably be comparable, but transparent!
The confusion – There's no denying that managing your own super fund can be a minefield of complicated rules and regulations.
Get something wrong and you could end up paying hefty penalties. Of course, you can pay a professional to manage it on your behalf and this is something I would strongly advise anyone with a SMSF to do – whether they're buying real estate or not!
Enough cash in your smsf . generally at least $150k This is not a strategy for someone with a small amount of cash .
So, if you want financial independence in retirement, put some plans in place, review your finances, do something now and don't leave it until it's too late.
Get educated by someone who you know , like and trust!
Be careful
before you go down the route of setting up your own SMSF, it is critical to seek independent advice from a properly qualified financial planner to ensure that it is appropriate for your circumstances, and that you set up things correctly and don't fall foul of the law!
Be sure to attend Ark's Property and Self Managed Superfund Seminar
Some say 20 times your current annual spend .
So if you live on 10k per month, you need $2 million to retire!
A scary statistic from the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia:-
Based on current balances and current savings, "the average retirement superannuation payout at age 60 for a male currently aged 35 to 44 would be $183,000, while for a female it would only be $93,000."
this means that millions of Australians will not have enough money to live comfortably in their retirement.
So, if you want to retire with adequate resources, marry rich, inherit, make serious money from a successful venture
Start planning your financial future, and develop a strategy for regular saving and strategic investment .
Below are 4 simple rules to achieve financial freedom ( from the "richest man in Babylon" )(great book, by the way)
1. Spend less than you earn
2. Invest the difference wisely
3. Reinvest your investment income so you get compounding returns.
By the time you reach financial freedom, almost all your assets will have come from compounding capital growth, not from your income, your savings or your rent.
4. Keep doing steps 1 and 2 until your asset base reaches a critical mass so that you have the cash machine that gives you the income you desire.
Property -
You can now use your super as a deposit to acquire investment properties, using a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF).
To find out how - download the attached ebook on property and self managed super .
Should you set up an SMSF giving you control of managing your Super? |
Control – You have control over your SMSF rather than entrusting your future financial wellbeing to a complete stranger, who will take your hard-earned cash and invest it in shares and managed funds that may or may not perform.
Leverage – You can make the money in your SMSF work harder by using it as a deposit and borrowing to buy investment properties that grow in value.
Tax savings – when you retire, Capital gains is exempt from capital gains tax if you sell the investment, or income tax on any rental income should you decide to hang onto it. Before you retire, any capital gains or rental income generated by your SMSF is taxed at a rate of 15% and 10% Capital Gains Tax if you sold the property after holding on to it for over a year.
The cost! This usually involves thousands of dollars in establishment costs and sometimes there will be higher fees involved in borrowing to buy property through your SMSF. (However, when you compare it to the charges of your normal SMSF, it will probably be comparable, but transparent!
The confusion – There's no denying that managing your own super fund can be a minefield of complicated rules and regulations.
Get something wrong and you could end up paying hefty penalties. Of course, you can pay a professional to manage it on your behalf and this is something I would strongly advise anyone with a SMSF to do – whether they're buying real estate or not!
Enough cash in your smsf . generally at least $150k This is not a strategy for someone with a small amount of cash .
So, if you want financial independence in retirement, put some plans in place, review your finances, do something now and don't leave it until it's too late.
Get educated by someone who you know , like and trust!
Be careful
before you go down the route of setting up your own SMSF, it is critical to seek independent advice from a properly qualified financial planner to ensure that it is appropriate for your circumstances, and that you set up things correctly and don't fall foul of the law!
Be sure to attend Ark's Property and Self Managed Superfund Seminar
Where: Level 7, 14 Martin Place, NSW
Duration: 1 hour
Light snacks will be provided
Thursday, May 09, 2013
Venture Capital in Australia: Apple - Values at the Core - great video on leader...
Venture Capital in Australia: Apple - Values at the Core - great video on leader...: How Steve Jobs inspired his team - in his shorts!! An amazing leader "Apple - who is Apple and what do we stand for? Apples CORE VALUES
What is our core value......... watch this space
What is our core value......... watch this space
Wednesday, May 08, 2013
Grow your business and your Brand
We're holding a small, private Boardroom Event for a select few on Tuesday May 14 at which Ryll Burgin Doyle will be speaking. You're invited to attend.
This event is about growing your business and your brand. Growth is critical to any business - new strategies for increasing revenue, sales and profits will be explored. Further, Ryll will tell you branding is not just for Coke or Virgin, its just as important for your business as the big guys.
Ryll will also be sharing information on the Victorian Vouchers Innovation Programme, which could fund your business up to $10,000 to assist you in increasing innovation,employment and productivity . Very few places remain please CLICK HERE to find out more and register for this hands on event.
This event is about growing your business and your brand. Growth is critical to any business - new strategies for increasing revenue, sales and profits will be explored. Further, Ryll will tell you branding is not just for Coke or Virgin, its just as important for your business as the big guys.
Ryll will also be sharing information on the Victorian Vouchers Innovation Programme, which could fund your business up to $10,000 to assist you in increasing innovation,employment and productivity . Very few places remain please CLICK HERE to find out more and register for this hands on event.
Whi is Ryll Burgin Doyle?
Ryll's experience in helping business owners like you grow their businesses is unparalleled - starting her first business helping others access Government Grants for Business Planning at the ripe old age of 23, Ryll's career has spanned Australia, New Zealand and the USA - working with small and large businesses alike, from the local florist to $1B companies - to grow their businesses and their brands significantly.
Ryll is also the driving force behind the creation of 10X - an international business coaching brand of excellence, now partnered with BSI and myself.
Further, Ryll is the Founder of non-profit stepUP, which operates in 3 countries helping to inspire our teens - particularly underprivileged and at risk teens - about their futures in business and in life. That program is extraordinary, as is Ryll.
Tuesday, May 07, 2013
Some Gems from Start-Up Entrepreneurs - what are yours?
Kumar Subramanum - Media Melon see interview
- Partner with others who are bigger,
- partner with as many as possible,
- build a great team that is complementary to each other
Dean Mcevoy - Spreets and Booking Angel see interview
- Validate your idea
- Try different things
- Ready , Aim, Fire - Just do it!
Simon Butler - Eone and Contivio - see profile
- Define your market
- Make sure your product is a painkiller
- Do well and let themm talk
- persistance and commitment to see it to the end
M Seebety
- Focus on core business
- Focus on Customer needs - not technology and gadgets
Richard Zippel - Sun Microsystems
- Be passionate and believein what you have got
Damian Perry
- Strong People - hire the best
- Stay focussed
Gilad Shlag - CEO Meemix see video
- What is your Competitive Advantage
- Size of market
- Team is key
- Find good investors and look after them
Ron Yekutiel - CEO Kaltura - see video and another
- Entrepreneurship is an art not a science
- be able to turn 180 degrees in another direction
- Follow your dream
- Focus
- Passionate, enjoy
- Delegate
- Do it
Monday, May 06, 2013
New Blog - focussed on Referrals and Ways to get referrals
Referrals are a key part of growing your business and keeping on track.
Check out the new referral blog .
Please feel free to comment and add.
Check out the new referral blog .
Please feel free to comment and add.
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