Tuesday, July 07, 2020

From Little Tech - Big Tech Grows

At our BBG forum last week, Tony Surtees shared the opportunity of investing in the tech space and venture capital.

“ It is a real opportunity.... with the ability to get significant returns if managed  well.”

A portfolio approach is key - one  does not know who or which companies will be “home runs” and if you get 1 in 10 - your returns could be exponential! 

For those who do not have the time to manage a portfolio of “startups” one can look at the tech stocks on the ASX.

Australian technology stocks offer investors the opportunity to add a critical element to their existing domestic equity portfolios – that can give them significant growth!

The S&P/ASX All Technology Index’s total market capitalisation has increased more than fourfold to $114B.

The potential for this sector to outperform the broader market is highly likely!

“If you have money you can afford to lose, you need to invest in the tech VC space” 

Saturday, July 04, 2020

Australia is currently producing *more than* a unicorn a year.

Great tweet by @nickcrocker 





When you invest - what’s more important - the product or the people

Message from Patrick Schartzenegger


I wanna share this for multiple reasons but mostly as a form of INSPIRATION. 

Few years ago I was watching SharkTank & EVERY JUDGE told these 3 brothers that their idea wasn’t great. Doesn’t have legs to really make It. Too many coffee brands already out there...just simply wont work. 

I fell in love with these 3 brothers determination & work ethic & personally I loved the concept. I simply slid into their DM’s and struck a deal and the rest is history. 

PERFECT EXAMPLE OF NEVER GIVE UP. I know it’s cheesy but in life you will always encounter people that tell you not to dream so big. You won’t make It. Not possible. And what happens is you start to put a value on other people’s opinions & you begin to fear failure. You lose your confidence. You worry about what others will think of you if the biz doesn’t go perfectly...

DON’T LISTEN TO THE NAYSAYERS & REMEMBER YOUR DESTINATION & USE EVERY DAY TO GET CLOSER TO THAT GOAL. Focus on the NOW. I know I always say this but I find It important to have someone that constantly reminds you that YOU ARE CAPABLE! KEEP PUSHING! 
 #entrepreneurs #smallbusiness #mindset #venturefunding #coffee #dontgiveup #startupstories 
Jim DeCicco Jake DeCicco Jordan DeCicco Kitu Life Inc. Super Coffee

Thursday, July 02, 2020

R&D tax incentive (RDTI) A great opportunity to make a difference

The Government has shown they can make decisions and they can make decisions fast.

There is a window of opportunity for government to support innovation in Australia -  and make it attractive for innovators and  IP to stay in Australia. 

They can do this by reigniting the R&D Tax Concession (RDTI) as a tool to encourage Innovation and R&D and  keep Innovators and IP in Oz! 

This should be the focus of the government, rather than its planned $1.8 billion cut to the R&D tax incentive (RDTI). This cut is absolutely the wrong thing to do in a post Covid-19 environment .

Our Treasurer agrees that tax support for innovation is key 

“We need to have a tax regime around intellectual property to attract companies and maintain their investments in Australia,” Mr Frydenberg said in the UK last year.

The easiest way to ignite Innovation is to encourage innovation by expanding the definition  of R&D in the RDTI programme 

Do you agree that the  R&D Tax Incentive to be reignited 

Write “agree” in comments below


Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Seller raises $6.3m led by Square Peg

With Square Peg leading a $6.3 million, fintech - Zeller (founded by Dominic Yap and Ben Pfisterer 2 ex Square execs ) will provide a better alternative financial solution for business banking - covering payment, savings and spending.

It may have taken some inspiration from Judo, the digital business lender which recently surpassed a $1 billion valuation.

Disrupting the big 4 banks seems to be a wave which investors seem to be riding!