Monday, December 13, 2021

What Happens When Your Passion Meets Reality?

Dec 2021 Musings 

When Passion meets Reality

  • Things start to flow 
  • Your work becomes your leisure
  • You become an expert in your field 
  • Trust is built 
  • You are able to teach your skillset to others 

There will be challenges along the road - face them head on - overcome them - that is where the magic happens!

How do you overcome these  criticisms and obstacles?

“Know that when you have focus , clarity of purpose,  burning desire to achieve your vision - and pursue knowledge with action - that is where the magic happens!” - Ivan Kaye 

When someone takes massive action  with no knowledge he/she is gambling

When someone takes no action  with no knowledge he/she is cynic . 

When you are pursuing your passion - and it’s not in the “norm”   People will tell you you’re crazy. You are doing something that is not only outside your comfort zone - but theirs ….. and  cynics  don’t like change .

Your critics might be in your closest circles including your colleagues, family, and friends - and that is often so hurtful .

If you are really innovating and creating something completely new, most people simply won’t believe it until they can hold it in their hands. 

Be sure to ignore the many “experts” who say  it can’t  be done. They will be skeptical of its potential in the market. 

But remember: “The day before something is a breakthrough, it’s a crazy idea.” 

When someone takes no action  with massive  knowledge he/she is a dreamer

When someone takes massive action  with massive knowledge he/she is following their dream and is a ⭐️ star!

What is  your passion and purpose?

What is your vision?

What is your mission? 

If you know what that is - and have clarity of purpose - and you take massive action - you will be in flow! 

We spent 4 months determining our “pulse” at BSI - and came up with this 

“We help you create your generational legacy by connecting entrepreneurs, business owners and leaders to people and money ! “

Treat your “pulse” as your north star, and your ongoing energy source.

And we live by our “treat” values .

  • Team First
  • Respect
  • Energy - you gotta have Passion
  • Adventure - it’s ok you take risks and fail - your team has your back 
  • Trust - without trust - you have nothing 

You need to have “zietsvleis” - persistence - don’t give  up,- breakthrough -  even when everyone is telling me that it isn’t going to work.

Referron has taken 8 years to develop  - and it feels like we have only just begun! I must have pitched over 200 CEOs, philanthropists, and sponsors and knocked back —over and over and over again - but I know it is needed in the marketplace - and will be a game changer !

Be inspired by Stories of true grit 

  • Macdonalds - Ray Kroc
  • KFC - Colonel Sanders
  • Bill Gates  - microsoft
  • Elon musk - Space X and Tesla 


What do you believe in so strongly that you’ll continue to get back up after being repeatedly knocked down? Could you do this 500  times… hearing one “No” after another?

A chap I play golf with -  Les Winderbaum shared with me how he became a successful salesman - he had an amazing mindset!!!

He knew his numbers 

Every 40 calls would result in a sale …… when someone said no - he was so happy - as it was a call closer to his 40th! 

 “Every call is just a step closer to someone saying yes.”

When  pursuing your BHAG and  crazy ideas - overcome obstacles, practice, pivot and persist and prove your cynics  wrong.

There is very seldom an “overnight success” 

Most journeys take a lifetime and involve a long, winding road.

Maybe the secret is to become a lifelong learner ? Don’t be scared to invest in education - that is taking action!!!!

What is your pulse ?

What is your vision? 

Are you willing to pursue it relentlessly and take action? 

When this happens - flow will happen 

Inspired by Peter Diamandis - executive chairman and founder of singularity university and XPRIZE 

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