SMEs are the backbone of our economy
and yet they seem to “be stiffed” by the banks!
To say that they are under-serviced by the finance sector Is an understatement
The Problem for SMEs
- Even with Covid gaurantees - it was nigh impossible for an sme to het a bank loan from a traditional bank without security or a guarantee from someone other than the founder
- Many small businesses have been knocked back for finance
- The Australian Bureau of Statistics show that the lack of access to finance is the most common barrier to innovation
- Fintechs have begun meeting the demand, but have their quirks
The funding gap
The Problem for Investors
Investors - who invest in equity and hybrids (a mix of equity and loan are a great source.
Money that is not getting good returns need to find a home
The Connection
There is money out there - but how do you
- Find it ?
- Negotiate the best repayment terms for you?
- Find the right lender / investor for your business
- Understand the different forms of finance ? Nomad, peer to peer lending, loan backed by security, equity Or a mix?
This is where the finance broker comes in and why there role is critical
The $2m to $10m turnover range SME have the opportunity for exponential growth - and this is where The opportunity is!
The Banks
Most SME loans are currently secured by housing - lack of collateral is the most common reason for a business’s inability to access finance; 37% of all rejections can be attributed to this issue.
The Fintechs
For the last five years, so-called peer-to-peer lenders have connected investors and borrowers to provide more than $20bn in finance, faster than the banks ever could.
The Investors
Where to find them?
many are unsophisticated
The VCs invest - but not in many
Connecting SMEs with lenders and investors is a challenge – and beefing up risk assessment in the process is a requirement by the SME
The Opportunity
SMEs, investors and indeed brokers are looking for viable alternatives to the banks, but not at the cost of security.
A broker’s job is not just to secure finance for a client, but to find the right finance.
- banks
- fintechs
- Vcs
- Bomad
- Investors - fool family and friends
- Professional Investors
- Stock exchange
- Trade sale
- Mergers and acquisitions
Good advice and great financial management from brokers is crucial for the success of small businesses over the next 10 years
Who can relate?
Who needs money?
Whose keen to invest and play in this space
Let’s explore the opportunity
Inspired by https://www.marketlend.com.au/blog/editorial-the-true-role-of-the-sme-broker/