Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Typical revenue requirements at each stage of Vc

Michael Ho clearly defines the steps in VC capital raises 

→ Pre Seed - 0 to $1m - Discovery 

  • you understand a wicked problem - and you have the engaged team who are looking to find the pain killer 

→ Seed- 250k - 1m - Problem - Solution fit 

  • it’s about acquiring happy and engaged customers 

→ Series A - 1m - 50m - go to market fit 

  • you have a repeatable scalable factory that can find and win lotsa customers 

→ Series B - 50m plus - scale product market fit 

  • You break the $10m barrier 
  • You’ve derisked and ready to scale 

→ Series C-E - scale 

  • You’ve broken  the $30m  barrier and looking for new products and new markets 


♻️ Repost to help a founder in your network

Where are you in the process ?

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